Replacing invasives with insect-friendly plants at the Cemetery

One of the main projects at Sidmouth Cemetery is to increase the biodiversity on the site – and in early spring the Sidmouth Scouts lent a hand in cutting back the very invasive bramble which keep pretty much everything else out.

In early summer (and every other season it seems!) the the volunteers from the CSC working party were busy digging up the equally-invasive three-cornered leek.

As CSC member Tess Bisson says: “Great work done on clearing invasive 3 cornered leek from under a large conifer!” – with a couple of photos to prove it from May and July:

And in late June, Tess reported on the healthier replacements being dug in: “Louise (HTO) bringing a van full of pollinator friendly plants supplied by EDDC, plus Mick about to plant one of them!” – with photography of people and plants about to do their thing:

With huge thanks to everyone involved – from council workers to volunteers, from the wider community to councillors.

Or, as said earlier in the year: “What a difference a few hours of volunteering can make!”